Hair: White
Style: Leather jacket
Eyes: Blue
Status: Has girlfriend
Specialty: High jump
Background: Johnny lives with his father after his mother died.
His mother was when Johnny was young by Nanny and the Orphan Maker, despite
the fact that she was a mutant too. Apparently, she always said he
was special, because she knew he'd be a mutant. His father doesn't
seem to think he's so special . . . their relationship is rocky at best.
He has mentioned that his father has a chemical imbalance, which may have
something to do with that. He goes to Empire State University, where he
has trouble staying awake in classes, and works at a video store.
His girlfriend, Kathy, knows about his superheroics, and seems to like
Powers: Well, for once, it's not all in the suit. Johnny
is a mutant - and if you don't know what a mutant is, go find an X-Men
page and come back when you're more thoroughly educated, okay? Anyway,
his powers so far include jumping abilities that are incredible to say
the least and a danger sense - as illustrated here. He also uses
the discs attached to his jacket as throwing weapons, and they bounce off
of things nicely. Hornet has been designing him some new discs, like
the one shown in #6 that comes back to him after he throws it and the ones
in #10 that go boom. As always, more to come as things happen. .
. .